The Mykiss Guiding 2003 Season The early season...
Another season begins, the hopes, the highs, the lows, the forecasts..
We all want to know what is coming, what will the season hold
for us? Anticipation waits on every turn of the river, every cast,
every run. The pulls, takes and hook-ups on the end of our lines
our only real answers to any of the perennial questions we have
of the river. Of course you have to just go out there and do it. And so we did. And like any other season we embarked on the adventure of a steelhead
fishing season, with all the highs and lows that come with it.
Every one is an adventure and this one was no different. My "tune-up" season could not have been much better. In the week
or so that I have before my first clients arrive, when I am hanging
out on the river as much as possible (in between tying flies,
and getting gear ready), I had the great company of my good friend
Adam Lewis, who joined me for a couple of days of fishing this
year. Many of you will remember Adam from having stayed at the
"Steelhead's Rest" bed and breakfast before we got our little
guesthouse built. Adam is the former owner of that establishment. And to my great excitment, my youngest brother, Eric, joined me
this year in the pre-season tune-up activities. Eric is a very,
very keen neophyte steelhead angler. In fact he was (now I can
emphasize the was) a double neophyte as he is also new to flyfishing. He finally
caught a very fiesty early season buck to initiate him into the
world of steelhead flyfishing. Sharing the beauty of these rivers with my family is the central
reason why I live here . . . Eric, Adam and I got out on the river just as it started to rise
from what had been some very low, clear early September flows.
There was time for a little family fun as well as the serious
work of "tuning up" for the season . . . The real guiding season began when Jim Peterson and Joe Bankofire
dropped in for one day with me on the river. What a fine pleasant
way to start the guiding season. Next up were my perennial early season anglers, David Sakura and
Bob Dishman. These guys have been such patient souls over the
past few seasons, often slogging through some difficult early
season conditions of high water. They have persevered and this
year was the payout . . . or so it began. Our first day out was
really fine, with a great flurry of activity right in the home
pool. There were fish everywhere in the home waters. One very
memorable moment ( actually an hour or so) had David and Bob into
a double header (see picutre below). While helping Bob land his
361/2 inch buck, David's fish drew my attention. It was hard to
miss, actually, as I saw a sight I had not seen before: as the
fish (which by now was starting to behave suspiciously like a
very, very large fish) headed way up and across the river, two other steelhead jumped clear out of the water to get out of
the way. It was as if the Alpha fish was clearing a path for himself.
We landed Bob's fish and then my attention could be properly focussed
on David's. When that happened, what became clear was that we
did indeed have a truly huge fish on our hands here. During the
time it took to get Bob's fish to the beach (15 minutes), the
substantial creature on the end of David's line had only been
warming up, just feeling him out. Now it was time to head down
the river, and there was nothing we could do about it. With great
effort and a "Come in or get off" kind of pressure and attitude,
we battled this fish all the way down to the tail-out and through
the fast water into the little mini-run right in front of the
campground. There we made our stand. After five minutes of ths
incredible tug-of-war stand off, where we only briefly saw a huge
red side down deep in the water, the line went slack, the hook
pulled out. Some come in and some don't. This fish, however, would turn out
to be the first of three fish that were hooked that were definitely
in that class of extremely large fish. Somewhere around thirty
pounds. What a start to the fishing for David. Unfortunately, David got
back to the house that evening only to receive news from home
that called him back on some important family matters. So Bob
Dishman had to step up and fish without David for the rest of
the trip. Bob did land what would stand up as the largest fish landed for
the season in my boat, a 39 3/4 inch buck. It was close, oh so
close to 40, but we couldn't have lived with ourselves had we
stretched that tape to 40; it just wasn't quite there, even on
three different attempts at taping it. It was my good fortune this year to re-connect with an old friend
and fishing mentor from my years on the Babine, Bus Bergman. We began emailing last winter and carried on through the spring
kind of "getting caught up" on the news of the last decade or
so. It was during that process that Bus had clients with him who
happened to be looking for a steelhead guiding opportunity in
my neck-of-the-woods. And so it was that Bob Imbernino came to fish with me in the later
days of September. What a pleasure that was. We were constatntly
amazed by all of the common fishing and guiding connections we
had in each other's pasts. From the Hodsen camp on the Dean river,
to the Madsens who started Norlakes Lodge on the Babine; to our
stories about Bus. There was no end to the stories and the laughs
the whole time we were in the boat together. Oh yes, there were
a few fish in there as well.. . . Bob seemed to experience the "feast or famine" aspect of steelhead
fishing during his time with me. One day striking it rich with a nice little "pod" experience and
the next day having to work a lot harder for the grabs. Nothing
that anyone with a little steelhead experience hasn't seen before.
I hope to see Bob again in the future. More Bobs were on the way even after Mr. Imbernino had left me.
Ray Christensen and Bob Pauli arrived just in time for . . . rising
waters. We got one good day in before a familiar theme to these
two hardened veterans began to emerge: that of high, coloured
water. We fought with it last year, and I really had high hopes
that the rivers might co-operate for these two fine gentlemen.
Well, it wasn't quite as bad as last year. Let's see. . . what's
that saying. . .? "Things are never so good that they can't get a little better,
but things are never so bad that they can't get a little worse" That would be a good way to summarize the week that Ray and Bob
were with me. . . if not a good part of the season. River conditions once again played havoc with the best of our
intentions. Last year these two really fought it out with the
river, and while things were certainly not as tough as last season,
we did have a day or two where we were looking to greener pastures
for our luck. But with Ray and Bob along there is always a positive attitude
and chuckle just around the corner, when the fishing is slow. We did find some consistant fishing here and there, and in fact
our best day of fishing was in very marginal water conditions. Finally as Ray and Bob were just leaving the river started to
shape up. That would set things up for the Mid-Season. Click on the links below to move on to the Mid and Late Season,
where the story continues. . . And just for the record I thought I would include this link to
last year's report: 2002 Mykiss Angling Report Todd & Kathy Stockner Mykiss Guiding Services Tel: (250) 842-6401 Site designed by Todd Stockner Except as noted, all of the text and images on this site are copyright
of Todd Stockner and all rights to them are reserved. Reproduction
or commercial use is prohibited except with express written permission
of the artist. The Dovetail/Fishtail logo belongs to Mykiss Fine Woodworking. The "Made with Macintosh" logo is the registered trademark of
Apple Computer. © 2004 Mykiss Fine Woodworking
When you get all the little things right. . .
My brother Eric, as green as the leaves on the trees, laying into
the high water.
Hannah, Simon, and Telkwa having fun with the "Humpies". Hannah
releases one while Telkwa investigates.
Double Trouble: Eric's first steelhead and first fly caught fish
. . . So much for peace and quiet around here in the early season,
from now on . . .
Double Header: One down, one to go. Just when Bob beaches his
fish, David's fish reveals its true size and nature and the battle
really begins.
Bob Dishman, quelling his quarry; a nice, bright, 39 1/2+ buck.
Ray Christensen with a mighty early season doe, pulled from very
marginal river conditions.
Bob Pauli cradles a fine early season buck
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